Online Medicine Donation System in Spring boot, JPA, Mysql, RestAPI, Postman

The Online Medicine Donation System is a project to simplify and enhance the process of donating and receiving medicines. With a robust and user-friendly architecture, this system acts as a bridge connecting individuals who want to donate unused medicines and those who require them.

Modules in the Project:

The Online Medicine Donation System encompasses the following essential modules:

Medicine Donation Module:
The Medicine Donation Module is an interface for donors to list unused medicines that they wish to donate. This module requires donors to provide critical information about the medicine, such as name, dosage, quantity, manufacturer, batch number, and expiry date. These details help maintain transparency and ensure the safety of the donation process. Donors can update the status or details of their donations as needed.

Recipient Management Module:
This module manages the registration and authentication of recipients. Individuals or organizations who need medicines can register themselves by providing the necessary details, including their identity proof, contact information, and the nature of their medical requirements. This module enables recipients to make requests for specific medicines and view the status of their requests.

Inventory Management Module:
This module is responsible for the management of donated medicines in the system’s inventory. When a donation is confirmed, the medicines are added to the inventory. The inventory tracks and updates information about the medicine stock, such as quantity, location, and status (reserved, dispatched, or available). This module also handles the allocation of donated medicines to recipients based on availability and priority.

Verification Module:
The Verification Module is crucial for maintaining the safety and authenticity of the process. When a donation is listed or a recipient registers, the provided information is sent for verification. The module manages this process by coordinating with a team of verifiers or an automated verification system. For donated medicines, the verification may involve cross-checking the medicine details, expiry date, and checking the donor’s details. For recipients, the verification could include validating the recipient’s identity and confirming their requirement for the requested medicines.

API Calls for the Project:

The Online Medicine Donation System offers a collection of RESTful API calls to enable smooth interaction between the front-end interface and the back-end server. These API calls include:

Medicine Donation API Calls:

GET /medicines: Retrieves all medicines listed for donation
GET /medicines/{id}: Retrieves details of a specific medicine
POST /medicines: Adds a new medicine to the donation list
PUT /medicines/{id}: Updates the details of a specific medicine
DELETE /medicines/{id}: Deletes a specific medicine from the donation list

Recipient API Calls:

GET /recipients: Retrieves all registered recipients
GET /recipients/{id}: Retrieves details of a specific recipient
POST /recipients: Registers a new recipient
PUT /recipients/{id}: Updates the details of a specific recipient
DELETE /recipients/{id}: Deletes a specific recipient from the system

Inventory API Calls:

GET /inventory: Retrieves current inventory status
GET /inventory/{id}: Retrieves details of a specific medicine in the inventory
POST /inventory: Adds a new stock to the inventory
PUT /inventory/{id}: Updates the stock details of a specific medicine
DELETE /inventory/{id}: Deletes stock of a specific medicine from the inventory

Verification API Calls:

GET /verification: Retrieves all verification requests
POST /verification: Adds a new verification request
PUT /verification/{id}: Updates the status of a specific verification request

Future Enhancements:

Prescription Validation:
Implementing a feature to validate prescriptions will ensure that the recipient has a legitimate need for the donated medicines. This functionality will make the system more reliable and trustworthy.

Integration with Health Organizations:
The system can be enhanced by integrating with hospitals, clinics, or health organizations. These integrations could ensure a more efficient distribution of donated medicines and verify the needs of individual recipients.

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