Online Stock trading Management System project in Spring boot, JPA, Mysql, RestAPI, Postman

The Online Stock Trading Management System Project is a platform developed using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, MySQL, RestAPI, and Postman. It aims to provide seamless and efficient methods for managing stock trading activities. With its user-friendly interface and powerful functionality, this project serves as an ideal solution for individuals and organizations that are involved in stock trading.

Modules in the Project:

The Online Stock Trading Management System consists of below modules:

User Management Module:
The User Management Module is a crucial component of the Online Stock Trading Management System. It is responsible for managing user accounts and authentication. This module allows users to register, log in, and maintain their profiles. It ensures secure access by implementing authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and encryption. The User Management Module also provides features for user profile customization, password reset, and account security settings. It plays a vital role in safeguarding user information.

Stock Management Module:
The Stock Management Module is designed to handle the management of stock data and information. It enables traders to access real-time stock prices, historical data, and comprehensive company profiles. Through this module, users can retrieve updated stock informations. The Stock Management Module integrates with APIs to fetch and update stock-related data, ensuring accuracy and reliability. It offers traders the necessary tools and insights to make informed trading decisions.

Portfolio Management Module:
The Portfolio Management Module empowers traders to create, track, and manage their investment portfolios. It enables users to buy and sell stocks, allocate investments across different stocks, and track the performance of their portfolio over time. Through this module, traders can monitor their investment positions, view realized and unrealized gains/losses, and generate portfolio reports.

Order Management Module:
The Order Management Module plays an important role in the processing of buying and selling orders. It enables traders to place orders for stocks, tracks the status of orders, and executes orders when market conditions meet specified criteria. This module ensures efficient and accurate order processing by validating order details, checking available funds, and verifying stock availability. It also handles order matching and execution, ensuring timely trade executions. The Order Management Module maintains a record of all executed orders, including order details, timestamps, and transaction history.

Transaction Management Module:
The Transaction Management Module is responsible for tracking and managing all transactional activities related to stock trading. It records and maintains a comprehensive transaction history, including executed orders, account balances, cash inflows and outflows, and dividend payments. This module ensures accurate record-keeping, enabling traders to review their trading history, analyze transactional patterns, and generate financial reports.

API Calls for the project:

The Online Stock Trading Management System offers a set of API calls to enable seamless communication between the front-end interface and the back-end server. These API calls include:

User API Calls:

POST /user: Registers a new user in the system
GET /user: Retrieves user information
GET /user/:id: Retrieves details of a specific user by their ID
PUT /user/:id: Updates user information
DELETE /user/:id: Deletes a specific user from the system

Stock API Calls:

GET /stock: Retrieves stock information
GET /stock/:id: Retrieves details of a specific stock by its ID
POST /stock/buy: Places a buy order for a specific stock
POST /stock/sell: Places a sell order for a specific stock

Portfolio API Calls:

GET /portfolio: Retrieves portfolio information for a specific user
GET /portfolio/:id: Retrieves details of a specific portfolio by its ID
POST /portfolio/buy: Adds stocks to a user's portfolio
POST /portfolio/sell: Sells stocks from a user's portfolio

Order API Calls:

GET /order: Retrieves order information for a specific user
GET /order/:id: Retrieves details of a specific order by its ID
POST /order: Places a new order for buying or selling stocks

Transaction API Calls:

GET /transaction: Retrieves transaction history for a specific user
GET /transaction/:id: Retrieves details of a specific transaction by its ID

Future Enhancements:

Real-time Market Data:
Implementing real-time market data integration can provide traders with live stock prices, market trends, and other relevant information. This enhancement would allow users to make more informed and timely trading decisions.

Mobile Application Development:
Developing a mobile application for the Online Stock Trading Management System would enhance accessibility and convenience for traders. A mobile app would allow users to access their accounts, monitor portfolio performance, place trades, and receive real-time market updates on the go. The mobile app would provide a seamless and intuitive user experience.

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