School Management System in Spring boot, JPA, Hibernate, Mysql, RestAPI, Postman

The School Management System Project is a platform developed using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, MySQL, RestAPI, and Postman. The goal of this project is to provide seamless and convenient methods to manage the schools administrative tasks. With its user-friendly interface and robust functionality,this is an ideal solution for schools of all sizes.

Modules in the Project:

The School Management System consists of different modules that work together to maintain various aspects of school administration. These modules include:

Student Management Module:
The Student Management Module is responsible for managing student information. It allows admins to add new students, update their details, and maintain accurate records. This module ensures that student data is organized and easily accessible when needed.

Teacher Management Module:
The Teacher Management Module is used to manage teacher information. It enables admins to add new teachers, update their details, and assign them to specific classes or subjects. This module ensures effective management of teacher data and manages communication between teachers and admins.

Attendance Management Module:
This Module is responsible for managing customer data and accounts. It allows travelers to create accounts, update their information, and view their booking history. This module enhances customer engagement and enables businesses to build long-term relationships with their customers.

Payment Integration Module:
The Attendance Management Module allows schools to track student attendance. It enables teachers to mark attendance for their classes, record absences, and generate reports. This module helps schools monitor attendance patterns and identify students who may require additional support.

Gradebook Management Module:
This Module is used to manage student grades and academic performance. It allows teachers to enter grades, calculate averages, and generate report cards. This module provides an efficient way to track student progress and share academic information with parents and guardians.

Timetable Management Module:
The Timetable Management Module helps schools create and manage class timetables. It allows admins to define class schedules, assign teachers and subjects to specific time slots. This module ensures that the school operates smoothly and that students and teachers are aware of their schedules.

API Calls for the project:

The School Management System offers a set of API calls to manage seamless communication between the front-end interface and the back-end server. These API calls include:

For Students:

POST /student: Adds a new student to the system
GET /student: Retrieves a list of all students
GET /student/:id: Retrieves details of a specific student by their ID
PUT /student/:id: Updates information for an existing student by their ID
DELETE /student/:id: Removes a specific student from the system

For Teachers:

POST /teacher: Adds a new teacher to the system
GET /teacher: Retrieves a list of all teachers
GET /teacher/:id: Retrieves details of a specific teacher by their ID
PUT /teacher/:id: Updates information for an existing teacher by their ID
DELETE /teacher/:id: Removes a specific teacher from the system

For Attendance:

POST /attendance: Records attendance for a specific student and date
GET /attendance: Retrieves attendance records for all students
GET /attendance/:id: Retrieves attendance records for a specific student by their ID
PUT /attendance/:id: Updates attendance information for an existing record by its ID
DELETE /attendance/:id: Deletes attendance records for a specific student by their ID

For Grades:

POST /grade: Adds a new grade for a student and subject
GET /grade: Retrieves grades for all students
GET /grade/:id: Retrieves grades for a specific student by their ID
PUT /grade/:id: Updates grade information for an existing record by its ID
DELETE /grade/:id: Deletes grades for a specific student by their ID

For Timetables:

POST /timetable: Creates a new class timetable
GET /timetable: Retrieves the class timetable
GET /timetable/:id: Retrieves the timetable for a specific class by its ID
PUT /timetable/:id: Updates the timetable for an existing class by its ID
DELETE /timetable/:id: Deletes the timetable for a specific data

For Courses:

POST /course: Creates a new course
GET /course: Retrieves a list of all courses
GET /course/:id: Retrieves details of a specific course by its ID
PUT /course/:id: Updates information for an existing course by its ID
DELETE /course/:id: Deletes a specific course by its ID

Future Enhancements:

Online Examination and Assessment:

Implementing an online examination and assessment feature can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the evaluation process. This module would enable schools to create and conduct online assessments, automatically grade exams, and provide immediate feedback to students. Online assessments offer flexibility, save time, and provide valuable insights into student performance.

Financial Management:

Implementing a Financial Management module into the School Management System will be able to manage financial processes such as fee collection, expense tracking, and budget management. This module would generate fee receipts, track payment status, and provide financial reports to administrators.

Mobile Application Development:

Developing a mobile application for the School Management System can enhance accessibility and convenience for parents, teachers, and students. A mobile app will make things more convenient as the project progresses for both the developers and the users.

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